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prednáška| Introducing PRIA – Practical Robotics Institute of Austria (2019-06)

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Prednáška: Introducing PRIA – Practical Robotics Institute of Austria
Prednáša: Wilfried Lepuschitz
5. 6. 2019, 17:30 – 19:00
Fablab Slovensko, Ilkovičova 8, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
Presentation in English about the educational activities in the PRIA – Practical Robotics Institute of Austria. Educational robot Hedgehog and its practical use with examples will be presented too. More details will be added soon. 


Wilfried Lepuschitz works as Managing Director at Practical Robotics Institute Austria in Vienna. Graduated at the Technical University in Vienna, obtained his PhD. in the area of robotics. Also a visiting researcher at the Czech Technical University in Prague. Awarded Best Paper Award at ICIT 2013 conference.


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